Well after 28 days of scratching and clawing, I have finally come to the end of the journey that is National Novel Writing Months, and with a couple days the spare.

I must admit, although I feel excited about finishing, I also feel as if something fantastic is ending. Sure I could spend any old month writing 50,000 words, challenging myself. But it wouldn’t be the same. I feel like great things have happened for “The Archemist.” I am very happy with what I have written, though I realize that all the hard work of editing over and over again is still to come.

The first draft on the book is complete at 89,000 words. I know there is more fleshing out to do, but for the next day or two, I am going to step back and relish the accomplishment.

That being said, I would be remiss in saying that is was all through my sheer force of will and determination that I completed NANOWRIMO. Without a very loving and encouraging wife, I would never have pushed through. Without children to brighten my day and make me smile, I wouldn’t have joy and laughter. And without the inspiration given to me and the gift to write that I have been blessed with from a loving Heavenly Father, this never would have happened.

This year on Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the blessings of family in my life. I am thankful to live in the land of the free. I am thankful for those who serve to keep my family safe. I am thankful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his atoning sacrifice on my behalf. I am thankful to Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to live and grow. I am thankful for all the gifts that I have been blessed with.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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